AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

From Tetsuya’s to West Hollywood - Exploring Chinese-Fijian Heritage with Stanley’s Louis Tikaram.

By Leigh O’Connor.

From Tetsuya’s to Longrain and West Hollywood, Louis Tikaram is one Chef who knows his way around an award-winning kitchen.

Born in Mullumbimby and now Head Chef at Stanley on Howard Smith Wharves in Brisbane, Louis began exploring his Fijian heritage early in the kitchen beside his Fijian-Chinese Grandmother.

"My appreciation for my family’s culture and cuisine fully developed while living in Fiji as a pre-teen,” he explains. "Following high school in Australia, I moved to Sydney recognising my passion for cooking was strong enough to support a career.”

Serving his apprenticeship at the highly respected Southeast Asian restaurant Longrain under the mentorship of Chef Martin Boetz ignited his culinary flame. Louis then went on to work at Bentley Restaurant and Bar with Brent Savage, before landing a job at Tetsuya's.

 From Tetsuya’s to West Hollywood - Exploring Chinese-Fijian Heritage with Stanley’s Louis Tikaram.

"The experience had a profound impact on my development as a Chef, I learned the passion of Japanese Chefs, who taught me discipline and consistency. With Tetsuya Wakuda’s connections around the globe, I was given the opportunity to work in restaurants from Vancouver to Barcelona, further polishing my craft.”

When Martin Boetz announced he was departing critically-acclaimed Longrain, the apprentice became the master as Louis was handpicked to take over as Executive Chef. 

"I refined his personal culinary style, based on a simple, heartfelt philosophy. I really believe in flavoursome, healthy food – the kind of food I love to eat, I’m not influenced by current trends and I stay true to what I love to cook.”

It was at Longrain, Louis was named the 2014 Josephine Pignolet Young Chef of the Year which catapulted his name internationally and caught the eye of investors in Los Angeles.

He was given the opportunity to run the kitchen at E.P. & L.P. in West Hollywood, where he incorporated Southern Californian fresh produce into dishes inspired by his unique cultural heritage.

"The menu at E.P. & L.P. was a direct reflection of my career. It tells the story of my life, the places I’ve travelled and the food that inspires me.

"Intermixing ingredients and techniques that I’ve grown up with – such as fresh turmeric, galangal, exotic spices, hand-squeezed coconut milk and wood grilling – infused with SoCal flavour for a playful take on my favourite foods.”
From Tetsuya’s to West Hollywood - Exploring Chinese-Fijian Heritage with Stanley’s Louis Tikaram.

After six extremely successful years in the US including appearances on ‘The Today Show’, CBS’s ‘This Morning’ and most recently starring in an Emmy award-winning episode of ‘The Migrant Kitchen’, Louis was drawn back to home shores by a multi-venue offer to recreate what he had achieved in West Hollywood at Stanley on the Brisbane River.

Sharing his recipe for twice-cooked pork belly stir fry, Louis loves the texture of this dish and says it isn’t like normal pork belly dishes where the meat is cooked for hours.

"My Grandma would always make this Chinese dish and I loved eating it with steamed rice!”

What can diners expect when they eat at Stanley?

"When I look out into the dining room, I want it to be an extension of my living room at home. I want diners to feel warm, comfortable and relaxed,” he says.

As for his go-to meal at home when the mood for cooking deserts him, Louis chows down on a Broken Hearts double cheeseburger! 
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