AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards
Fool's Gold Cocktail - Recipe by Atticus Finch Mixologist Marty McQuilten

Fool's Gold Cocktail - Recipe by Atticus Finch Mixologist Marty McQuilten


45mL Delord VSOP Bas Armagnac
15mL Cocchji Americano Aperitivo
10mL Lay Goya Manzanilla
Bar spoon St Germain Elderflower liqueur
Twist of grapefruit


Simple stirred down drink.

Chill a coupe glass with ice for serving. Load a Boston glass with ice, add ingredients, stir for around 7 seconds until desired dilution, empty coupe of ice, double strain to remove all ice fragments.

With grapefruit twist, rim glass and spray oils over the drink before placing on the rim of the glass.

Recipe provided by Atticus Finch Bar

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