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Gnocchi with Caramelised Pumpkin, Pine Nuts and Goats Cheese with Shaved Truffles - Chef Recipe by Shawn Sheather

Gnocchi with Caramelised Pumpkin, Pine Nuts and Goats Cheese with Shaved Truffles - Chef Recipe by Shawn Sheather


225 g pumpkin
25mL of oil
20 g butter
Good pinch of sea salt and pepper
10 baby beetroot leaves
50 g pine nuts
75 g of goats' cheese
7 g of truffle


500 g Desiree potatoes
1 egg
Good pinch of sea salt
1 1/3 cups (156g) of flour
5mL Extra virgin olive oil
Keep more flour on hand for rolling and dusting



Place the unwashed potatoes on an oven tray and cook at 175 C until cooked through.

Hint: you can place the potatoes on a bed of rock salt to assist in the removal of moisture.

Remove from the oven and allow to rest until just safe and cool to touch. Cut in half and scope out the cooked warm potato and place it in a masher or potato ricer.

Hint: you must mash all lumps out, I recommend a fine sieve to push it through.

Whisk the egg, oil and salt into your mashed potato. Hint: make sure your mixture is just warm, around body temp.

Gradually add the flour, mixing with your hands until combined (be careful not to add your extra flour as this can make the gnocchi tough. Mix in the flour just enough that the mixture is workable in your hands).

Hint: this step should be done gently as to not overwork the mix.

Lightly flour a clean surface, bring the gnocchi dough together gently into a ball. Once in a ball, cut it equally into four pieces and cover with a tea towel to keep warm and relaxed. Individually roll each piece into a log shape as thick as your finger. Using a clean knife cut the log at 2cm-3cm pieces. Hint: remember the gnocchi will grow slightly in the water.

With floured hands you can shape the gnocchi into oval shapes and press onto a fork to make a lined pattern for a traditional look or you can simply pinch each shape so it looks like a pillow for a more handmade look.

Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil. Place gnocchi into the saucepan, once the gnocchi pops to the surface it is done.
Remove gnocchi with a slotted spoon to drain any excess water.

Toasted Pine Nuts:

Place the pine nuts in an open, dry fry pan, over a medium heat and toss until browned. Hint: as the nuts have a high oil content the pine nuts will continue to brown once removed from heat, so allow for this by not overcooking. If they start going brown, place them on a cool tray and spread them out on the tray and get them in the freezer for 5 minutes.

Caramelised Pumpkin:

Cut the pumpkin to the size you require, toss in heavily seasoned oil. Place on oven tray and cook in a very hot oven. Hint: you can also grill the pumpkin depending on the size.

Allow the cheese to come to room temperature.

Once the gnocchi has been blanched, lightly toss the gnocchi in an oiled fry pan (over medium heat), you can add butter and 2g of truffle now. Hint: the use of tongs or a spoon may cut or destroy the work you have done.

I recommend serving on the Santo Alessi Risotto dish. Place the gnocchi on the plate, cover with the roasted pumpkin. Tear the goats' cheese over the top, add the beetroot leaves for garnish. Sprinkle the pine nuts. Pour any of your butter sauce over the dish. Finally, shave the truffle over the finished dish.

Credits: Recipe by AGFG Resident Chef Shawn Sheather

Photo Credits: Recipe by AGFG Resident Chef Shawn Sheather