AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

James Dean Pethybridge

James Dean Pethybridge

New Zealand.

I grew up in the country town of Kyneton in Central Victoria, I started my first job as a kitchen hand in country Victoria at the age of 14, this led to an interest in pursuing a career in hospitality by signing up to an apprenticeship at a bistro in Kyneton where I started and completed my 4-year apprenticeship to become a Chef.

I worked around the district for a couple of years before giving it up to work in horticulture running plant nurseries which gave me the knowledge and intense interest in growing my own produce leading to the creation of ‘Blackwood RIdge’ at my home in Blackwood, Victoria 

After a few years, we opened a restaurant on site and eventually we closed the nursery and now are focused on our farm-based restaurant and gardens. As a Chef, I maintain a professional friendly workplace and enjoy working with my very small team of people who make the experience highly enjoyable.
Have you always wanted to be a Chef?

Initially, I loved the idea of being a Chef when I was young, like a lot of people in the industry I decided it wasn’t for me. After 20 years I returned to being a Chef with the establishment of my own restaurant which I really enjoy the process and techniques of cooking.

How would you define your style?

Fun and adventurous food with an emphasis on unique garden ingredients.

What is your feature flavour these days?

Bergamot is my go-to flavour - it pairs well with a variety of ingredients and doesn’t tend to dominate the flavour profile. 
Obsessive-compulsive about?

Growing new and interesting herbs, flowers and fruit for my menu.
Your greatest culinary influence:

It would have to be Raymond Blanc, his approach to kitchen gardens and the casual style and his attitude to cooking. All about doing great things using the best ingredients, the joy of growing and none of the carry on and drama that other well know Chefs are famous for, which I believe disenfranchise a lot of new talent.
What do you love about this business?

I love the dynamic nature of the ingredients, the ever-changing seasons and creativity that surrounds them and the great team of people I get to work with every day.
An ingredient you can’t live without?

It would be a toss up between Tasmanian pepperberry and lemon myrtle, both such versatile ingredients.
Most ‘eyebrow-raising’ menu item?

Beer soil for ‘Le Jardin’ - being in a garden setting some of our customers aren’t quite sure if we have actually used garden soil. which is very amusing.
Signature dish:

‘Le Jardin’ would be our signature dish, I wanted a dish that like Noma’s pot plant would be gardenesque and feature interesting pops of flavour every season. A circle representing a garden border sitting on soil and like all great gardens, filled with the best highlights of the season.
Tell us something no one knows about you?

I’m a plant collector and rhododendron lover, nothing to exciting for most people, but it works for me.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

Here at Blackwood Ridge continuing to challenge myself with new ingredients and enjoying my beautiful gardens.