AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

Eggnog with a Twist - Chef Recipe by Kirsten Tibballs

Eggnog with a Twist - Chef Recipe by Kirsten Tibballs


500mL full cream milk
240mL Bulla thickened cream 35% fat (A)
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg, plus more for garnish
1/2 tsp Heilala Vanilla Paste
6 large egg yolks
90g caster sugar (A)
240mL Frangelico, rum or bourbon
120g Callebaut W2 white chocolate 28%
Block of Callebaut 823 Milk Couverture 33.6% for shavings
300mL Bulla thickened cream 35% fat (B)
30g caster sugar (B)


In a saucepan combine the milk, cream (A), cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla; slowly bring the mixture to a boil.

In a bowl, whisk the egg yolks with sugar (A) until yolks are pale in colour. Slowly add the hot milk mixture to the egg yolks, in a slow constant drizzle until combined.

Return the mixture to the saucepan and cook over a low heat until it thickens slightly and coats the back of a spoon but does not boil. If using a thermometer, mixture should reach 80 C.

Remove from heat and strain immediately over the white chocolate placed in a bowl and whisk until combined. Place in the fridge until chilled.

Grate the chocolate onto a piece of paper.

When ready to serve, whip the cream (B) and sugar (B) together.

Dip the rim of each glass into the whipped cream and dip in the grated chocolate. Fill each glass 2/3 of the way with eggnog.

Pipe or scoop the whipped cream onto the top of the eggnog and dust with ground nutmeg.

Credits: Kirsten Tibballs

Photo Credits: Kirsten Tibballs