AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

Baked Coconut Rice Pudding

Baked Coconut Rice Pudding


85g rice
500mL coconut milk
250mL milk
1 strip of lime rind
55g caster sugar
2 Tbs butter
Pinch of ground star anise


Mix rice with the coconut milk, milk, lime rind and sugar.

Lightly grease a shallow oven dish with the butter.

Pour the mixture into the oven dish and bake for 30 minutes.

Remove the lime rind (should be on the surface).

Add a pinch of the ground star anise, stir well and return to the oven.

Cook for an additional 1-2 hours or until all the rice has absorbed the milk. A golden brown skin should have formed on the top of the pudding.

Serve cold or warm with your choice of fresh fruit, cream and ice cream.