AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

Traditional Greek Easter Bread

Traditional Greek Easter Bread


8 free range eggs, 1 for egg wash
250 g caster sugar
750 ml plain flour
5 g Mahlepi*
70 ml GC extra virgin olive oil
30 g butter
250 ml full cream milk
40 g dry yeast
10 g Red egg dye, powdered
Sesame seeds or flaked almonds

*Mahlepi is a spice found at most Greek or middle eastern delicatessens. It is sold in powder form. Its always available around Easter time.


1. Pre heat oven to 180 degrees C.

2. Combine 3 eggs, sugar, flour, mahlepi, olive oil and butter and commence kneading the dough in a stand mixer with a dough hook.

3. Gently warm milk in a saucepan (don’t exceed 45 degrees C) and pour into a bowl with the yeast. Stir to dissolve and add into the mixer. Place on a medium speed for 5-6 mins on a moderate speed. The dough is ready when it is coming off the side of the bowl cleanly.

4. Cover with cling film, and allow to prove in a warm place for 2 hours.

5. Meanwhile, cook the remaining eggs to a soft boil (5 min) in a medium sized saucepan, using red food dye and enough water to cover. Allow to cool.

6. Cut dough into 4 portions. Roll into a snake, tie into a knot and allow to prove on a greased oven tray for another hour. Brush with an egg wash, and sprinkle some sesame seeds or flaked almonds.

7. Cook for 15 mins in the oven or until it doubles in size. Take out and gently place red soft boiled eggs into each loaf, place back into the oven for a further 25 mins or until golden and cooked.

8. Allow to cool on a resting rack. Serve.

Makes: 4 loaves

Recipes by George Calombaris endorsing Essential Eggs

Photo shot and edited by Sam Karanikos

Credits: George Calombaris for Essential Eggs

Photo Credits: Sam Karanikos