AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

Pear Tarte Tatin

Pear Tarte Tatin


150 gms plain flour
145gms butter, room temperature
450 gms dessert pears
65 gm caster sugar
1-2 tbsp cold water
75 ml sweet yoghurt, extra to serve


1. Into a bowl, sieve flour and rub in 100 gms butter until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in 15 gms sugar and 1-2 tbsp water to form a firm dough. Chill until needed.

2. Grease and line a small sandwich cake tin with baking paper and place onto a baking tray.

3. In a small saucepan, heat remaining butter and sugar until it turns into a golden brown. Once sugar has dissolved, take off the heat and allow to cool a little before adding the yoghurt.

4. Pour half the sauce into the base of lined tin and arrange pears over the toffee before topping with remaining sauce so that pears are thoroughly coated.

5. Roll out pastry onto a floured surface and place over tin, cutting and tucking in the pastry remains at the sides before cooking for 25-30 minutes until pastry is golden.

6. Allow to cool before turning the tart out so pears are on top. Serve with extra yoghurt.