AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

Pulled Lamb Noisette With Dutch Cream Potato Rosti and Savoy Cabbage Lamb Broth - Chef Recipe by John T. Bailey

Pulled Lamb Noisette With Dutch Cream Potato Rosti and Savoy Cabbage Lamb Broth - Chef Recipe by John T. Bailey


1 landfall lamb shoulder, shank removed
Seasoning, salt, pepper, caraway seeds and chopped garlic
200 ml chicken stock
4 medium dutch cream Potatoes, peeled and grated
1 small onion, finely sliced and sauted
60 g gruyere cheese, grated
1/4 savoy cabbage, finely sliced
1 tsp caraway seeds
4 cloves of garlic, peeled and roasted


Lamb shoulder:

Place in a cryovac bag with the seasoning and a little lamb or chicken stock then seal, place in a sous-vide water bath cooker at 75 C for 12 hours.

Remove the meat, allow juices to cool and strain and reserve for later.
Remove all bones, sinew and fat from the meat so the lamb can be pulled apart.

Cover an A4 size sheet of foil with glad-wrap with 3 cm overlap on all sides.

Form the shredded meat into a sausage shape on the gladwrap and roll tightly in the foil twisting the ends together like a bon-bon, completely chill overnight in the fridge.

For the potato rosti, mix the potato, onion and cheese with some salt and pepper, then fry in non-stick frying pan to cook and brown evenly, place in an oven at 160 C to keep warm.

Remove the lamb from the fridge and cut quite thick noisettes with a serrated knife, remove foil and glad-wrap- it will not fall apart, using the same frying pan, brown the lamb noisettes on both sides and place in the pre-heated oven 160 C for 15 minutes.

Heat the stock in a saucepan, add some of the reserved cooking liquid for flavour, add the cabbage and caraway seeds and pour into warm serving bowls.

Place the lamb noisette, which is now warmed through to 65 C on top of the potato and place in the center of the bowl.

Garnish with the garlic cloves and serve.


Sous-vide water bath cooker.

Pulled Lamb Noisette With Dutch Cream Potato Rosti and Savoy Cabbage Lamb Broth - Chef Recipe by John T. Bailey

Credits: Recipes from the book Tamar Valley Pantry by Philip Kuruvita and John T. Bailey, published by Philip Kuruvita Photography.

Photo Credits: Recipes from the book Tamar Valley Pantry by Philip Kuruvita and John T. Bailey, published by Philip Kuruvita Photography.