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Mamma Knows Best: 9 Old Wives’ Tales that Actually Work

By Marie-Antoinette Issa.

While many old wives’ tales seem like nothing more than myth and fantastical folklore, science has increasingly shown that many of these traditional remedies hold genuine merit. 

Here are nine food-focused old wives’ tales that actually work:

Chicken soup for the soul...and the cold
Mamma Knows Best: 9 Old Wives’ Tales that Actually Work

When feeling under the weather, a steaming bowl of chicken soup isn't just comforting for the soul; it might actually help alleviate symptoms of the common cold. Research suggests that chicken soup contains anti-inflammatory properties that can ease congestion and soothe sore throats. Additionally, the warm broth helps keep you hydrated, which is crucial for recovering from illness.

Sugar pie, honey bunch 

For generations, honey has been hailed as a potent remedy for coughs and sore throats and it turns out, there's solid science backing up this claim.
Mamma Knows Best: 9 Old Wives’ Tales that Actually Work

The thick consistency of honey coats the throat, providing relief from irritation and suppressing coughs. Moreover, honey possesses antimicrobial properties, making it effective at fighting off infections. Just a spoonful of this golden elixir can work wonders when you're feeling under the weather.

When life gives you lemonade…make it flat! 

When faced with an upset stomach, reaching for a glass of flat lemonade might seem counterintuitive. However, this age-old remedy can be surprisingly effective.
Mamma Knows Best: 9 Old Wives’ Tales that Actually Work

Lemonade, especially when flat, contains sugar and essential electrolytes like potassium, which can help rehydrate and settle the stomach. The tartness of lemon also aids in reducing nausea, making it a go-to solution for queasy tummies.

Carrots: a sight for sore eyes

It's not just a coincidence that carrots are often associated with good vision. These vibrant root vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining healthy eyesight.
Mamma Knows Best: 9 Old Wives’ Tales that Actually Work

Vitamin A plays a crucial role in the functioning of the retina and other parts of the eye. While carrots won't miraculously grant you 20/20 vision, including them in your diet can certainly contribute to maintaining optimal eye health.

Slip, slop, slap and oatmeal? 

While prevention is obviously better than cure, oatmeal can be a soothing - albeit unconventional - remedy for sunburned skin. Oats contain compounds called avenanthramides, which possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and irritation. Applying a cool oatmeal paste or taking an oatmeal bath can provide relief from sunburn discomfort.
Mamma Knows Best: 9 Old Wives’ Tales that Actually Work

Gingerly dealing with digestive dramas 

Ginger has long been hailed in Eastern medicine for its ability to aid digestion and alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. Whether it's in the form of ginger tea, ginger ale or chewy ginger lollies, this spicy root can help relieve nausea, indigestion and motion sickness.

Ginger contains compounds like gingerol and shogaol, which stimulate digestion and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract.

Mamma Knows Best: 9 Old Wives’ Tales that Actually Work
Muscle cramps? Go bananas!

Athletes - elite or otherwise - often turn to bananas to prevent or alleviate muscle cramps. Bananas are rich in potassium, an essential electrolyte that plays a key role in muscle function and hydration.

Low levels of potassium can lead to muscle cramping, making bananas a convenient and natural remedy for maintaining electrolyte balance during exercise or recovery.

Mamma Knows Best: 9 Old Wives’ Tales that Actually Work

Get some garlic into you 

Alongside warding away vampires, garlic has a well-deserved reputation for its immune-boosting properties. This pungent bulb contains compounds like allicin, which have antimicrobial and antioxidant effects.

Consuming garlic regularly may help strengthen the immune system and reduce the severity and duration of colds and other respiratory infections. Whether eaten raw or cooked, incorporating garlic into your diet can provide valuable immune support.

Mamma Knows Best: 9 Old Wives’ Tales that Actually Work
A cran-berry good solution for UTIs

For generations, cranberry juice has been recommended as a remedy for urinary tract infections (UTIs). Research suggests that certain compounds found in cranberries, known as proanthocyanidins, can prevent bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract lining, thus reducing the risk of infection.
Mamma Knows Best: 9 Old Wives’ Tales that Actually Work

While cranberry juice alone may not cure a UTI, incorporating it into your diet as part of a comprehensive treatment plan may help prevent recurrence.

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